This is now becoming a ritual. Every day I read your post and it is so much fun. I don't know the details about Canadian politics but I don't need to.

I had been bemoaning lately the dearth of crone archetypes, that we were stuck with wicked witch and sweet woolly-brained ineffectual old lady, and that's not enough. Your mashup of Wise Old Woman (which the general culture doesn't seem to believe in) with the Wicked Witch is perfect. I am reminded of a conversation I had with my cousin, in which we were bemoaning the lack of good female role models. She said she wanted to age like Jane Fonda. I said no, I want to age like Jane Goodall. Now I change my mind. I want to age like Margaret Atwood. You are beyond cool.

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I wonder who the evil sherif of Nottingham will be. The new police chief perhaps? And who will play Robin Hood with Jack Layton and Joe Cressy gone from council? Certainly not Brad Bradford who favours the rich over the poor and who has now been appointed housing tzar by King John of Muddy York. Perhaps Josh Matlow? As for Maid Marion, Janet Davis could handily take on that role. In any case, we need our own Magna Carta now and for council to force King John to sign it on pain of being boiled in oil at the next Medieval Times event and then drawn and quartered and hung up in full view of the citizenry at Nathan Phillips Square with the Toronto Symphony present and playing a classical rendition of, “I did it my way”.

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Bravo. Love the growing saga.

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You’re last 3 entries have kept me sane and laughing at truly trying enraging time! Thank you. It helps to know other are thinking of shoes in cement buckets, horses heads and quill pens!

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And here we thought we had it bad with the mayor of Surrey, seemingly doing anything he wanted.

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The Quill Pen is so clearly mightier than the Sword. Thank you, madam!

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1. Take a crisis (in the UK's case Brexit, in Toronto, housing),

2. Make a power grab (in the UK, shut down parliament, in Toronto, introduce strong-mayor powers),

3. If it comes off, you get to do what you like in perpetuity.

Same old tricks the world over.

The courts just about stopped it here, so good luck Toronto. Keep pushing back.

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Love the photo! That quill pen of yours resembles a lethal weapon and if words can kill…

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Pray, tell, Margaret. What fate awaits Queens named Danielle?

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As a displaced (or misplaced) Ontarian living on the We(s)t Coast, I am truly enjoying the gaze eastward to my one-time province and its storied capital through Atwood eyes. Love the accompanying photos!

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Bring on the Quill ! 👏🏼👏🏼👏🏼

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Now Margaret, I truly applaud your valiant attempts to chastise your community (it appears badly needed) but yesterday, you DID promise to those of us who are less involved in local Canadian politics to give us some words about writing! Not to say your letters to these power-hungry politicians aren't an edifying pastime, but, well, I await further entries!

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I would say release just half of that purple cross-eyed twozzle curse . Should scare the silly out of all the King Johns

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Hahahaha. Don't forget, Margaret, not only are kings named John short-lived and despised, but in America, the name "john" stands for toilet. Best to avoid the moniker if one can. Bob is a nice name. Brings to mind apples in a barrel or thingama-Bob, a marvelous word that stands in for everyday words that older folks like myself forget from time to time.

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Another Raging Granny

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Tory cannot, I repeat, cannot use Howard!

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