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He didn't actually put the cigarette out on MY tongue, only on his own tongue.

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I can't remember who said it, but the sentiment "when a writer loves you, you can never die" applies here. A beautiful portrait of your friend.

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I love this ❤️

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You've got a great story there. I love it! Wish I'd known Larry. Oh wait... now I do!

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All hail, Larry! A wonderful story about an incredible person. Everyone needs a Larry in their life.

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I live in the PAL apartment first occupied by Larry but I knew him from PAL's inception through my friend Ancevich. So far he rarely haunts the place; I'm sure he has bigger fish to fry from his other-worldly perspective.

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Loved this story about Big Larry. What a character....and how wonderful that you and Graeme 'adopted' him, cared about and brought him comfort in so many ways

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What a fantastic story! I love Larry, and I love his story. After reading his story I'm so pleased to know the connection to Zeb from Maddadam!! Thank you for sharing this Margaret Atwood. 🙏 You could write the phone book (extinct?) and I would be enthralled. You are amazing!

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Larry was one of a kind. What an eclectic, storied life he lived. Thank you for sharing your friend with us. Through your words, he comes alive and will never be forgotten.

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Love this….oh those magnificents from our youth

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Larry sounds like exactly the kind of characters us writers love to write: big-hearted and goofy, smart but modest (well, sometimes). LOL. I love that he loved the reading corner at the Mums and Tots program. Does a "literary" memoir mean that you're writing about your writing life? Or does it mean that you're writing about all aspects of your life in a literary way? Either way I look forward to it! xo Brooke

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Larry sounds like my kinda people. I thoroughly enjoyed reading about his misadventures and I hope he’s having a hell of a time in the afterlife.

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So sad I never got to meet Larry. What a lovely tribute to such a colourful man. I really enjoyed this piece. Thank you

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How wonderful to have a friend like Larry. Everyone should. Larger than life in every way, and mostly his gigantic heart.

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Truth can be even better than fiction especially in Ms Atwood’s hands❣️ What a colourful character. Thank you for sharing this powerful and poignant portrait of Larry.

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What a great little anecdote. We all have someone like that in our lives, don't we? They might not be 6' 8", but they make just as big an impression.

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Did Larry ever live in a basement suite in Vancouver? I lived in a basement suite with a fellow who looked like him. He worked the PNE carnival and then headed down to Mexico on his motorcycle for winter. He looked kinda scary but he was a teddy bear. ❤

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