Bring on the PP comics!

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Great cover photo...

Please take care, you're an international treasure.

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Maybe if you found a chaise lounge and flung yourself onto it dramatically, hand held to your brow, and cough into an embroidered handkerchief? That would certainly increase the literary aspect of your ailment.

Get well soon!

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Dammit, you've gotten me in trouble with my husband. He's trying to edit something as I sit here in the same room, reading your latest and cackling away. Frequent death glares from the one whose concentration is interrupted. Clearly I need a special soundproof room for reading your Substack posts.

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PP comix? Yes, please!

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After planting that seed, with a teaser to boot, how can you NOT do PP Comix? Must we start a petition or something?

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Please do take care. I hope there are mugs of tea, a cozy chair, and some paper and pens to distract you from the cough. Even “wicked” needs a day off.

Be well!

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As I started to write...how delightful to read that a world famous writer admits to having bronchitis and stating stark outright that there was the need to pi, ah , the human part of Margaret Atwood, the attribute so needed to capture the hearts and souls of readers. BTW; dad put an aspirin in a short tumbler of rye, ginger, a dab of maple syrup, and hot water, gargled then swallowed the potion whole. Sweats it out of ya', he said.

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Love this. Unremittingly .

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Love your ability to find humor in any and all situations! Mirth-maker, indeed!

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I look forward to your drawings of a vested Pierre.

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Get well soon!

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Have some sympathy for poor PP. It is not easy being a stand-in for Jeremiah.

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I don't know how I ended up on your mailing list but I'm glad I did. I recommend inhaled steroids. Enough with the Fisherman's Friend already.

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Get well soon Margaret! I use a syrup called Bronchial Soothe, I get it at a health food store, perhaps it would help. Love your sense of humor!

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